The old saying ‘curiosity killed the cat’ often gets bandied about, but unless you’re a cat, you can ignore the advice of this proverb.
Being curious – especially in this digital age where it’s all too easy to become sucked into a world of endless television streaming, social media usage and internet rabbit holes – is a blessing. In fact, many of the world’s most genius inventions, knowledge breakthroughs and artistic accomplishments were the result of a seedling of curiosity blossoming into something great.
Einstein himself coined this most famous quote:
“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” — Albert Einstein
Curiosity is a powerful personality trait. When cultivated correctly, there are so many benefits to having a curious mind. The desire to learn and to continue learning can propel your career, as well as shaping your day-to-day life.
Here are three reasons why you need to always stay curious, whether old or young.
#1 You’ll Grow as a Person
The simple definition of a curious mind is one that is mentally stimulated. If you are always seeking new experiences or knowledge, you are better able to challenge yourself and grow as a person.
In fact, when you’re curious, it’s much easier to learn new things and retain knowledge. Whether that’s a mental breakthrough about yourself as an individual or some worldly insight. Although the fear of the unknown can be overwhelming, cultural critic Laura Fox describes the “fascination with the question mark” as being essential for growth. In her TED Talk, she explains how you can “transform ignorance through curiosity, [seeing] ignorance as a path to learning”.
The more you tap into your curiosity, the easier it is to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. Taking the time to think and learn allows you to overcome feelings of self-doubt. And, once you look beyond thoughts of being incapable, your path to further learning can excel.
#2 You’ll Become More Empathetic
As well as growing as an individual, curiosity strengthens your relationships with others. Being more alert to the world around you and your own internal self can help you better relate to the feelings of others.
In Elizabeth Segal’s Aeon essay entitled ‘The Case for Empathy’, she explains that “The building blocks of empathy take shape in infancy and develop through a lifetime of learning. By learning from others, people fully develop empathy […] However, learning empathy takes effort […] The challenge with empathy is to be open to gaining knowledge about others.”
Harnessing your curiosity to become more socially aware will increase your capacity to connect with people. If you are genuinely interested in the lives of others and are willing to listen to their struggles, you will be far more approachable.
So, being curious makes you a better listener, a better conversationalist, and, most importantly, better able to empathise.
#3 You’ll Avoid Boredom & Blossom
When you’re open to new possibilities or ideas, you’re unlikely to feel boredom. A curious mind believes that there is always something new to learn, always a creative outlook to undertake, always a different project to pursue. And with newness comes excitement.
When you’re curious, you have the ability to find something interesting, wherever you are. Let your curiosity take flight and your creativity blossom.
As the late Stephen Hawking said:
“Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.” — Stephen Hawking
In tackling boredom, curious people are able to think outside the box (or beyond the cat flap!). This is instrumental when it comes to flourishing creatively or intellectually. You’ll be the one seeking answers to the ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘what’ questions. Having a fresh outlook on a problem or bringing a unique idea to the table can really help you progress in your career.
How Do You Encourage Your Curiosity?
Believing yourself to be curious is just the first step. You can ignite your sense of curiosity in a number of different ways…
Dedicate Time for Reading
There’s no denying that books are vessels of knowledge and ideas. Whether it’s during your morning commute or before bedtime, dedicating time to reading a book each day keeps your mind always open.
Registering to bookish websites such as Goodreads can inspire you with what to read next. Find books to match your interests, read reviews by other like-minded curious readers, and take part in discussions. You can even set yourself a reading goal for the year.
Participate in a Creative Hobby
Curiosity and creativity go hand in hand. From drawing and crafts to creative writing or playing an instrument, challenging your mind with a new creative outlet is the perfect way to satisfy your curiosity. Even if this hobby doesn’t materialise into something recurring, you’ll never be bored.
Sign Up to an Evening Class
Curious people know that you’re never too old to learn a new skill. Whether that’s becoming fluent in a different language, memorising the moves of a dance routine or practising your artistic flair at life drawing, attending an evening class is a great way to slot something a bit different into your week.
Become Involved in Charity Work
It’s no lie that volunteer work can add an impressive gold star to your CV. But that’s not the only reason to become involved with a charitable organisation. Heighten your awareness of the world around you by dedicating time to support a cause you believe in, from fighting poverty or homelessness to saving the environment.
There’s no denying that curiosity is a truly powerful personality trait. When you’re curious, you’re always looking to learn more about yourself, others and the world around you. So, a curious mind is a thriving mind.
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